Tuesday, October 30, 2012

RwP: Panel Discussion Part 1 - "The Economy"

This is Part 1 of Rants Without Pants Panel discussion that consists of Stacy Harbaugh (Communications Director for the American Civil Liberties Union of WI), Dusty Weis (Former CBS Reporter for WTDY and WIOD), BJ Buss (Compassionate Conservative) and Michael Grover Bartnik (Non-Ideological Guy in Hat). There will be 4 Parts. This is Part 1 where we discuss the economy.

Monday, October 22, 2012

RwP: The Musical - "How to Succeed in Politics Without Really Trying" (Part 1 & 2)


00:00 - 04:34 I Believe in You - Presidential Race - Barack Obama

04:35 - 08:45 Wisconsin Senate Race Tommy Thompson vs Tammy Baldwin

08:45 - End The President Clinton and David Letterman Song


00:00 - 06:50 "The Company Way" (Mitt Romney)

06:50 - 08:50 "Martini Time" or "Romnesia Time"

08:50 - End "Brotherhood of Man" (Romney, Obama, Baldwin, Thompson)

This week on "Rants Without Pants", we finish up Part 2 of our musical "How to Succeed in Politics Without Really Trying". We use the songs from the musical "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying" to discuss the Presidential race and the Wisconsin Senate Race.

Above are both Part 1 and Part 2.

Monday, October 15, 2012

RwP - Paul Ryan Needs to Debate for Local Seat, Bike Deaths, Packers, AP-Photo, Roger Rivard

This week on Rants Without Pants, I discuss how Paul Ryan should debate Rob Zerban, the 2 bicycle deaths within 6 days in Dane County, Packer Proud (Willie Davis and Donald Driver), AP Photo of Romney, and Roger "Did He Just Say That?" Rivard.

00:00 - 7:45 Paul Ryan Needs to Debate his Local Seat

7:45 - 9:12 2 Bicycle Deaths in 6 Days

9:12 - 10:06 Debate Ettiquette

10:06 - 11:52 Packer Proud (Willie Davis and Donald Driver)

11:52 - 12:25 AP vs Romney

12:25 - End Roger Rivard Awful Statement

Sunday, October 7, 2012

RwP: Obama Fail (Debate), Obama Win (Jobs) and Ann Althouse’s Concerns

This week on Rants without Pants, I become President Obama’s debate coach to help him out for the next debate, I discuss the very encouraging job numbers that were released Friday and I try to figure out why Ann Althouse and 2 other UW Professor’s are so upset about Obama visiting UW Madison.

00:00 – 11:00 Debate Coach for President Obama

11:10 – 12:31 Unemployment Rate Dropped Like it’s Hot

12:31 – End Ann Althouse’s Concerns (www.althouse.blogspot.com)

CORRECTION: Ann Althouse emailed me to let me know that she actually didn't write the letter to the University. That was reported incorrectly from some news sources. She did post the letter and agreed with some points of it. The point I bring up in the video, is where her and I disagree. I just wanted to make sure that was clear. I changed the name on the YouTube video to "Ann Althouse's Concerns" for more accuracy.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

RwP: The Musical - "How to Succeed in Politics Without Really Trying" Part 1

This week on "Rants Without Pants", we do something a bit unique and use the songs from the musical "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying" to discuss the Presidential race and the Wisconsin Senate Race. It's a bit embarrassing. 00:00 - 04:34 I Believe in You - Presidential Race - Barack Obama 04:35 - 08:45 Wisconsin Senate Race Tommy Thompson vs Tammy Baldwin 08:45 - End The President Clinton and David Letterman Song Stay Tuned for Part 2 next week...